What is Magical Mothering?

I am so grateful you are here!

Magical Mothering is a space to GROW, LEARN and HEAL together.

I have been mothering most of my life, yet I was able to do so from a place of child-like wonder and curiosity and if my Mommy Monster did come out, I had the tools to transform her. I love sharing wisdom of the plants, crystals and from my own personal life experiences. I was a lemurian priestess in one of my lifetimes and reigned for over 300 years as “the great mother of the land.” Through this experience I helped lemurians come into their physical form and get adjusted to living on a physical plane. I am still doing this today. Helping people heal their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies so they can thrive in this physical plane once again.

My entire life has been focused on helping others heal to wholeness. I started off getting a degree in psychology, only to realize that diagnosis and labels were not enough for me. So I became a Massage Therapist. Again, people kept coming to my table week after week without the lasting effects of wholeness I so greatly desired to offer. I then dove into NLP, EFT, Time Line Therapy, Shamanic Journey, Herbalism, and nature therapy. I am certified in each of these aspects in so much that I have taken the time required, plus devoted the time to practice these skills on myself and my clients. I have been given the title of Herbal Priestess by my higher self, and the Lemurian Priestess as a way of sharing that our NATURE is the key to our WHOLENESS.

I work with many of the nature and elemental energies that help ignite a remembering, for those that I work with, of their nature, not just a thinking or doing process. This is a vital component to the healing process. The unraveling, remembering and unwinding of what was taught to allow what is innate within the individual to be integrated. 

What is our NATURE?

Nature is all around us, as you know, but we also have a nature. This is seen in our intuition, creativity, pleasures, passions, and our soul’s calling. So often our nature is NURTURED out of us from the time we are born. Slowly we are programmed, controlled, forced and taught out of our very nature. This nurturing, or programming, is what I help others step through. To discover who they truly are within. The knowing of who you are changes the very cells within your body. It ignites the cells to connect with their source energy and fuels the body to regenerate on a level that is truly miraculous. 

How can I walk with you in your own healing journey?

The most effective way for me to help support you is through one on one support.

I personally harvest, craft and created all of the potions I offer. Each one is designed to create a healing for the whole body not just the symptoms that are listed. You can check out the list of potions I offer and if you need something that you don’t see, simply fill out the contact form so we can create something that will help you!

I offer weekly, bi weekly, monthly or as needed sessions. These focus on finding your nature, first with human design. This is a personalized chart that has key elements of who and what you are at your nature. It is often exactly what we have been told not to be our whole lives. 

The Magical Mothering Method is a way to heal, balance, reprogram and realign your chakras. I work with 13 chakras, I call this the chakra healing program for healers. Those who know they are meant to serve the world in a bigger way and have discovered they are a healer along the way. I offer this through the Chakra Box! Each chakra gets delivered directly to your mailbox with a potion, crystal, workbooks and video links to guide you through each one. 

I also lead one on one retreats. These are done in person, in nature and are transformational. These awaken within you the nature that has been buried. Each retreat incorporates body work, healing, grounding aspects, and deep transformational energy healing. 

The Magical Mothering podcast and blogs are another way that we can walk together through this healing journey. These are ways for me to share my own experiences and “mothering wisdom” from a place that you may have never experienced being mothered before. I love creating a space of unconditional love and acceptance, as so much of what we need is healed in that space alone. 

Whichever way we walk together, I am grateful for us to be connected and look forward to our journey together.