In the Chronic Fatigue potion, this helps with all auto immune disorders, supports the body to help it detoxify, create a space for energy and release the build up causing the body to fight against itself.
1 oz bottle lasts 8-12 weeks with regular use.
Chronic Fatigue Potion
Take 3-7 drops up to 3 times a day. Take for5 days on, 2 days off.
Teasel, Buttercup, Pinon Pine Resin, Ocotillo, Motherwort, Muscadine, Violet, Prickly Pear, Cuscuta, Eucalyptus, Pinon Pine Resin, Ocotillo, Wood Sorrel, Rosemary, Dandelion, Ginger, Macha, Ethanol Alcohol, Quartz Crystal
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