This potion is a combination for those who are experiencing rheumatoid arthritis, lyme/tick disease symptoms, blood impurity and pain. Combining a blend of wild crafted plants together to make a potion that works like magic to help restore and regenerate your system.
Restorative Body Potion
Take 3-7 drops daily for 5 days AM & PM. Takea break for 2 days then repeat.
Teasel, Lemon Balm, Self Heal, Cleavers, Ginseng, Day Lily, Blue Phlox, Black Walnut, Boneset, Field Matter, Ocotillo, Wild Lettuce, Rosemary, Horse Nettle, Velvet Leaf, Prickly Pear, Chickweed, Evening Primrose, Yucca, Red Clover, Yarrow, Cottonwood,Ethanol Alcohol, Quartz Crystal
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