Sacral Chakra/ Emotional Healing


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The sacral chakra is also our womb space/ sex organs. This is an energy center and a source of creativity. When our sacral space is in alignment we can trust our gut reactions, have sustained energy and feel turned on to the world around us! Taking this potion while watching the videos and completing the workbooks from the Magical Mothering Method will have a profound impact in the integration and healing of this chakra.

This potion is available in .5 oz and 1 oz options. The .5 oz lasts about 3-5 weeks. The 1 oz lasts about 6-10 weeks.


Ocotillo, Motherwort, Mulberry, Pinon Pine Resin, Wolfberry, Ginger, Olive Leaf,  Blackberry, Horse Nettle, Dandelion, River Birch, Autumn Olive,  Maidenhair, Evening Primrose, Ethanol Alcohol, Quartz Crystal


Additional information

Weight N/A

.5 oz, 1 oz


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