This acne healing kit comes with a .5 oz bottle of either the vegan or regular acne potion. You also receive a 1 oz tin of bentonite clay, and 1 oz bottle of apple cider vinegar. The bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar get mixed to create a paste to apply to acne affected area, at least 1x a week and up to 3x a week for best results. Then use the topical potion up to 4 times a day on clean face.
Acne Potion
Place directly onto skin up to 4x a day.
Emu Oil, Glycerin, Ethanol Alcohol, Prickly Pear, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Self Heal, Nerium, Elder, Quartz Crystal
Vegan Acne Healing Potion
Wash Face then place 3 drops into clean finger, apply all over affected area of face.
Elder, Nerium, Self Heal, Chaparral, Desert Lavender, Prickly Pear, Honeysuckle ,Glycerin, Ethanol Alcohol, Quartz Crystal
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