Add a perfect pocket stone to your life to help give your body the vibration and minerals to heal. Each crystal helps depending on its color with different aspects of your life. The minerals in each stone is what gives it their color, as well as what then can help support our own body!
Grounding/ Protection- Garnet, Tourmaline, Obsidian
Womb/Your spark/ Creativity- Aragonite
Empowerment/ Confidence/ Intuition- Yellow Brucite
Heart- Malachite
 Communication/ Speaking from a space of being heard- Kyanite
Vision/Meditation/ – Amethyst
Connecting to Spirit- Quartz Crystal
Earth- Amber
Rebirth/ Soul- Purple
Stellar Gate- Selenite Wand
Celestial- Celestite
Divine Masculine/ Ascended Masters- Â Shiva Lingham
Divine Feminine/ Magical Mother- Calcedony, Moon Stone
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