In this powerful and healing Heart Health/ Chakra Potion, your heart is able to fully restore functionality. It is not about controlling the blood flow, heart rate or pressure. But truly allowing for the body to receive the proper nutirents and minerals so that body can remember how to regulate and heal itself. The herbs are a reminder to the body of how to operate in wholeness and functionality. The goal of the herbs is to help the body heal, not to control or do the work for the body.
This herbal medicine helps with: Blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, heart valves and has helped many clients who have had heart surgeries to maintain their heart health.
The Heart charka which the heart is physically located in, in an energetic space as well as physical space in the body. It helps our body process forgiveness, unconditional love and acceptance of ourselves and others. There are 4 videos to go along with the healing of the heart chakra available through the Magical Mothering Method.
Mulberry, Motherwort, Rosemary, Ocotillo, Mugwort, Blackberry, Olive Leaf, Macha, Dandelion, Prickly Pear, Pennycress, Yucca, Cuscta, Ginger, Ethanol Alcohol, Quartz Crystal
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