In the Ligament and Tendon potion, the herbs penetrate and give nutrients to the root cause of the pain. Whether that is by helping repair tears in the ligaments, giving the body nutrients to heal faster, or creating space in the body to loosen overworked/ tight tendons. So often our body gives us signals of pain to help us correct the posture or use of those very body parts. Which this herbal medicine your body will be able to use the nutrients within them to restore, regenerate and repair while also allowing you to have the mindfulness to shift your use of them.
Herbal medicine is made to get to the root cause verses just managing the various symptoms.
Buttercup, Pinon Pine, Wild Lettuce, Yucca, Rosemary, Ocotillo, Myrrh, River Birch, Cottonwood, Bougainvillea, Olive, Cuscuta, Velvet Leaf, Teasel, Horse Nettle, Yucca, Ethanol Alcohol, Quartz Crystal
Available in .5 oz that will last about 3-5 weeks. Or Full oz that will last about 3-4 months.
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