May Day is the first day of summer in the Spiral of the Year! This is a day to make flower crowns, work in the garden, watch the butterflies and birds, and rejoice in the warmth and rebirth that has taken place! The Spiral of the Year is a journey through the seasonal festivals but unlike the typical wheel that is represented, I offer a spiral. As we are never in the same space each year when we arrive in this space. We have always learned about ourselves, discovered new ways of being and can never go back to where we have been, always spiraling in either a inward or outward direction year after year. The spiral of of the year, New Moon, and Full Moon PDF’s are available to everyone for free. If you would like to be a part of the 30 Days of Moon Magic, receive potions monthly, get one one one support or join in on private retreats, please visit Patreon for more information!